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What should you do in autumn for the healthy beauty of your skin?

Of all the seasons, autumn is the best time to take an in-depth look at the health and beauty of your skin.


What happens to your skin in autumn?

The summer heat, increased sweating, wind, dust, and sunlight took their toll on the skin, which then becomes more unprotected and vulnerable with the arrival of cooler weather. Due to its sensitivity, the damaged skin cannot properly perform its protective functions, so it is more prone to the appearance of various diseases, (e.g. eczema) inflammations (cuperosa - red, dilated capillaries). As the sun's radiation decreases, the skin of the face becomes duller and paler, and the carefully covered pigment spots become more visible. Since the skin significantly loses its moisture content, wrinkles can unfortunately appear deeper due to the dryness of the skin.


What can you do in autumn for the beauty of your skin?

The most important task of autumn skin care: REGENERATION and NOURISHMENT! Repair the damage caused by summer and prepare the skin for the cold, windy winter weather. It is worth asking for the help of a specialist, as a good beautician - after a thorough diagnosis - will recommend a personalized treatment plan, recommend a product, and provide expert advice on skin care at home.


Autumn enriches the cosmetics repertoire with many treatment options:


Put more emphasis on cleaning your face! It's time for gentle exfoliating treatments!

After washing your face with cleanser and toning, use natural AHA acid products that gently but thoroughly remove the dead skin layer without irritating the skin. Also at the cellular level are able to act, thus contributing to successful regeneration. Due to them, the pigment spots fade, skin respiration normalizes, the active ingredients can be absorbed better, the feel of your face is much better. The skin will be softer and the depth of wrinkles will decrease! Always exfoliate in the evening! (in parentheses, if you're afraid of your summer tan, don't exfoliate yet!)

Be careful with larger, coarser-grained grinds, such as the sugar or the salt! The skin of your face is much more delicate and sensitive than the skin of your body. You can easily cause micro-injuries that can cause capillary dilation and, in the long term, sagging of the connective tissue!

Choose richer, more nutritious creams! With the arrival of cooler days, it is worth protecting the skin from the weather, cold wind and heating. Look for preparations rich in linoleic acid and oleic acid (argan oil, avocado oil, rosehip oil, evening primrose oil, linseed oil, pomegranate seed oil), such as fattier, regenerating night creams. What's more, it's worth applying a thin layer of face cream or BB cream suitable for your skin type on top of the serums!

Don't forget the décolleté and body care either! With the onset of the heating season, the skin inevitably becomes drier, and proper relubrication is essential. Use a body scrub once a week, then pamper your skin with body lotions and body butters rich in vitamins and active ingredients. It is also worth paying special attention to hand and foot care.

You can do a lot for your beauty on the inside too! Drinking the right amount of fluids (pure water!), nutrition rich in antioxidants, extra vitamins and essential fatty acids are essential for the beauty of our skin. In autumn, eat a lot of apples, tangerines (vitamin C), pumpkin, beets (detoxifier, iron supplement) and grapes, ginger (immune booster).

And the most difficult and most important: ME TIME! Take time for yourself, to relax and recharge! Take a good bath, visit your beautician, or put on a cool, nourishing facial mask - whatever makes you happy!

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